Keynote Speakers

1.1: Asynchronous Techniques 

1.2: Embedded Tutorial 

1.3: Architectural Modeling: Performance and Power Analysis 

2.1: Caching 

2.2: Simulation Based Verification 

2.3: Modeling of Capacitance and Crosstalk Noise 

3.1: Improving the Performance of Caching Structures 

3.2: Test Pattern Generation, Test Compaction, and Test Point Insertion for Synchronous Sequential Circuits 

3.3: Invited Session: Power 4 Microprocessor- Organizer: J. M. Tendler 

4.1: Embedded Tutorial 

4.2: Computer Arithmetic 

4.3: Circuit Sizing and Optimization 

5.1: Clocking and Time-Domain Measurements 

5.2: Processor Microarchitecture

5.3: Invited Session: Taming Tons of Gigabytes: Innovations in Disk Drive Electronics

6.1: Energy Efficiency Caches and Multiport Cache Structures 

6.2: Control by Simulation and On-line Checking 

6.3: CAD Algorithms for Physical Design

Panel Discussion

7.1: Invited Session: Network Processors 

  • Session Abstract
  • Network Processing: Applications and Challenges
    C. Narad
  • Payload+: Fast Pattern Matching and Routing for OC-48
    D. Kramer
  • Scaling Fully Programmable Network Processing to 10Gbps and Beyond
    K. Morris

7.2: Formal Methods for Property Verification and Equivalence Verification 

7.3: Hardware Representation 

8.1: Circuit Techniques 

8.2: DSP/Multimedia 

8.3: Novel Architectures and ISA Extensions 

Poster Papers





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