Keynote Presentation

1.1 Power and Thermal Considerations in Processor Design (I) 

1.2 Interconnect Prediction and Optimization

1.3 System-Level Architecture 

Panel Discussion

2.1 Power Aware System Design

2.2 Physical-Aware System-Level Analysis and Synthesis

2.3 SOC Test Methods

3.1 Reliable Circuit Design

3.2 High Level Synthesis

3.3 Verification of SOCs with Datapaths and Software

Keynote Presentation at the Computer History Museum (Mountain View)

Yesterday and Tomorrow: A View on Progress in Computer Design
Professor Michael J. Flynn - Stanford University

4.1 Low Power Circuit Architecture

4.2 Emerging Design Styles And Applications

4.3 Formal Verification - From Hardware to Software (Invited)

5.1 Cache Memory Architecture

5.2 Gate Timing and Power Analysis

5.3 Performance Modeling

6.1 Low Voltage Design

6.2 Physical-Aware Circuit Design

6.3 Verification and Test for Sequential Circuits and Delay Fault Models

7.1 New Memory Technologies (Invited)

  • FRAM
    Rick Bailey, Ramtron International Corporation
  • Thermal MRAM
    Dr. James G. Deak, NVE Corporation
  • Future Directions of Non-Volatile Memory technologies
    Mr. Albert Fazio, Intel Corporation

7.2 Panel Discussion: Chip Multiprocessing

8.1 High Performance Designs

8.2 Future VLSI Technologies and Their Impact

8.3 Architecture for Verifiability (Invited)

9.1 Low Power Circuit Architecture (II)

9.2 RF Wireless Technologies (Invited)

  • Tutorial on RF Technologies
    Dominik Schmidt, Intel Corporation

9.3 Formal Verification Methods

10.1 Power and Thermal Considerations in Processor Design (II)

10.2 Instruction Issue, Scheduling and Prediction

11.1 Circuit Consideration in Processor Design

11.2 Logic Optimization




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