
October 2, 2005
Developments in Embedded System Design
Embedded System Design is rapidly moving versus Electronic System Level
(ESL) approaches that promise to deliver a complete SOC/embedded system
design from system requirements down to silicon and software
We focus on both design and verification aspects of ESL methodologies in
order to clarify the current reality from an embedded system designer
perspective. In the design track we cover ESL design fundamentals, trends in SOC
architectures, on-chip communication, design space exploration,
synthesis of hardware and software, integration challenges.
With respect to verification, we
first discuss recent developments in
applying Bounded Model Checking techniques to software. Finally, we
modeling of embedded systems as hybrid (mixed discrete-continuous)
systems, and techniques to analyze such hybrid systems formally.
Keynote Speakers
Communication Oriented Design Flow
Marcello Coppola
- ST Microelectronics, Grenoble, France
- On-Chip Communication Architectures:
From Spaghetti to Bus and From Bus to NoC
- STBUS: A Solution for SOC today,
Spidergon: A Research for NOC today
- On-Chip Communication Protocols
- On-Chip Communication QoS
- On-Chip Communication Design Flow:
Today and Tomorrow
Marcello Coppola is the head of the Grenoble research lab within
the Advanced System Technology department at
His research interests include discrete event simulation, networks
on chip and modeling of multiprocessor systems on chip.
Coppola received a Laurea degree in computer science from the
University of Pisa, Italy.
System on Chip Architectures and Design Space Exploration
Marcello Lajolo -
NEC Laboratories America, Princeton, NJ, USA
- New Trends in SOC Organization
- Design Space Exploration
- Hardware/Software Partitioning and
Integration Challenges
Marcello Lajolo received the Dr. Eng. and the Ph.D. degrees in
Electrical Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in
1995 and 1999, respectively.
He is currently a Senior Research Staff Member at NEC Laboratories
America, Inc. in Princeton, NJ where he leads the effort on
single/multiprocessor interface synthesis starting from system level
His research interests concern the development of methodologies and
tools for electronic system level design. He focuses in particular
on design and synthesis of reusable platforms, networks on chip and
hardware/software integration challenges.
Software for Embedded Systems Tony Givargis -
University of
California, Irvine, CA, USA
- Code Serialization (The Phantom C
- Software Synthesis Techniques
(Monolithic RTOS/Application Code)
- Software Peripherals (Entire
Platforms in Software)
- Platform-Aware Code Transformations
Dr. Tony Givargis received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science
from the University of California, Riverside in 1997 and 2001
respectively. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department
of Computer Science, and a member of the Center for Embedded Computer
Systems, at the University of California, Irvine.
Dr. Givargis and his team at Irvine, are researching issues related to
Realtime Operating System (RTOS) synthesis, high-confidence embedded
software, serializing compilers, and code transformations techniques for
efficient software to hardware migration. Dr. Givargis is a coauthor of
a textbook entitled "Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software
Introduction" and has published extensively in the general areas of
embedded system research.
Software and Hybrid System
Franjo Ivancic - NEC Laboratories
America, Princeton, NJ, USA
- Bounded Model Checking for Software
- Predicate Abstraction
- Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid
Franjo Ivancic is currently a Research Staff Member at NEC
America in Princeton, NJ. Prior to joining NEC, he received his
and MSE degrees in Computer and Information Science from the
of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA. Earlier, he received his
(Dipl.-Inform.) degree from the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University
in Bonn, Germany, for his research performed at the Fraunhofer
in St. Augustin, Germany. His areas of research include software
verification, model checking, formal modeling and analysis of hybrid
systems, and design automation for embedded software. He received
Morris and Dorothy Rubinoff dissertation award from the University
October 3, 2005
Keynote Presentation
Latency Lags Bandwidth
Professor David Patterson -
University of California at Berkeley
As I review performance trends, I am struck by a consistent
theme across
many technologies over many years: bandwidth improves much more
than latency for four different technologies: disks, networks,
and processors. A rule of thumb to quantify the imbalance is:
improves by more than the square of the improvement in latency.
This talk lists a half-dozen performance milestones to document this
observation, many reasons why it happens, a few ways to cope with
and two small examples of how you might design systems differently
you kept this simple rule of thumb in mind.
David Patterson has been Professor of Computer Science at U.C.
since 1977. He is one of the pioneers of both Reduced Instruction
Computers (RISC) and Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID),
are widely used. He co-authored five books, including two with John
Hennessy, that have been popular in graduate and undergraduate
since 1990. Past chair of the Computer Science Department at
U.C. Berkeley and the Computing Research Association, he is
President of the Association for Computing Machinery and serves on
Information Technology Advisory Committee for the U.S. President.
His work was recognized by education and research awards from ACM
IEEE and by election to the National Academy of Engineering. In the
year he shared Japan's Computer & Communication award with Hennessy
was named to the Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame.
1.1 Power and Thermal Considerations in Processor Design (I)
- Temperature-Dependent Optimization of
Cache Leakage Power Dissipation
Peng Li, Yangdong Deng and Larry
Pileggi - Texas A&M University
- Architectural Considerations for
Energy Efficiency: Case Study of Viterbi Decoder ACS Unit
Hoang Q. Dao, Bart R. Zeydel,
Vojin G. Oklobdzija - University of California, Davis
- Reducing the Latency and Area Cost of
Core Swapping through Shared Helper Engines
Anahita Shayesteh, Eren Kursun, Tim Sherwood, Suleyman Sair, Glenn
Reinman - University of California, Los Angeles
- Analytical Model for Sensor Placement
on Microprocessors
Kyeong-Jae Lee, Kevin Skadron -
University of Virginia
1.2 Interconnect Prediction and Optimization
- Pre-layout Physical Connectivity
Prediction with Application in Clustering-Based Placement
Qinghua Liu, Malgorzata
Marek-Sadowska - University of California, Santa Barbara
- Efficient Rectilinear Steiner
Tree Construction with Rectilinear Blockages
Zion Cien Shen, Chris C. N.
Chu, Ying-Meng Li and Soohong Kim - Cadence Design Systems
- X-Routing using Two Manhattan
Route Instances
Seraj Ahmad, Nikhil Jayakumar,
VIjay Balasubramanian, Edward Hursey, Sunil P Khatri, Rabi Mahapatra
- Texas A&M University
1.3 System-Level Architecture
- Hardware Support for Bulk Data
Movement in Server Platforms
Li Zhao, Laxmi Bhuyan - University of California, Riverside
Ravi Iyer, Srihari Makineni, Don Newell - Communications Technology
Lab, Intel
- Counter-Based Cache Replacement
Mazen Kharbutli and Yan Solihin - North Carolina State
- Utilizing Horizontal and Vertical
Parallelism Using a No-Instruction-Set Compiler and Custom Datapaths
Mehrdad Reshadi, Bita Gorjiara, Daniel Gajski - Center for
Embedded Computer Systems (CECS)
Panel Discussion: Are Today's Verification Tools Able to
Meet Current Design Challenges?
With the ever increasing growth of size and complexity of
digital designs, tools have just kept pace. Design engineers
bare the brunt of the problem. To make use of dynamic
verification, designers invest as much or more time into their
test benches as they do the design they are creating. For
static or formal verification, large designs with complex state
spaces have challenged even the most powerful formal tools.
What changes are coming in the design and EDA spaces that will
improve this situation? What is the right mix of dynamic and
static verification for the future? Formal Verification in
Industry - What Works, What Doesn't and Where is it Headed?
Moderator: Richard Goering -
Rich Faris - Real Intent
Ken Larsen - Mentor Graphics
Harry Foster - Jasper
Stuart Swan - Cadence
Tom Anderson - Synopsys
Power Aware System Design
- Energy-Efficient Color
Approximation for Digital LCD Interfaces
Andi Nourrachmat, Sabino Salerno, Enrico Macii, Massimo Poncino
- Politecnico di Torino
- Application-Specific Power-Aware
Workload Allocation for Voltage Scalable MPSoC Platforms
Martino Ruggiero, Andrea Acquaviva, Davide Bertozzi, Luca Benini
- Urbino University
Vasily Moshnyaga, Eiji Morikawa - Fukuoka University
- Frame Buffer Energy Optimization
by Pixel Prediction
Kimish Patel, Enrico Macii, Massimo Poncino - Politecnico di
- Energy and Performance Analysis
of Mapping Parallel Multi-threaded Tasks for An On-Chip
Multi-Processor System
Bo-Cheng Charles Lai, Patrick Schaumont, Wei Qin, Ingrid
Verbauwhede - University of California, Los Angeles
- Near-memory Caching for Improved
Energy Consumption
Nevine AbouGhazaleh, Bruce Childers, Daniel Mosse, Rami Melhem -
University of Pittsburgh
2.2 Physical-Aware System-Level
Analysis and Synthesis
- Physical Synthesis of
Energy-Efficient Networks-on-Chip Through Topology Exploration and Wire
Style Optimization
Yuanfang Hu, Hongyu Chen, and
Chung-Kuan Cheng - University of California, San Diego
- A Formal Framework for Modeling and
Analysis of System-Level Dynamic Power Management
Shrirang Yardi, Karthik Channakeshava, Micheal S Hsiao, Thomas
Martin, Dong S. Ha - Virginia Tech
- Scalable System Design via Time
Budgeting: Complexity Analysis and Dual Vt Technology Case Study
Soheil Ghiasi, Po-Kuan Huang - University of California, Davis
- Efficient Thermal Simulation For
Run-Time Temperature Tracking and Management
Hang Li, Pu Liu, Zhenyu Qi,
Lingling Jin, Wei Wu, Sheldon -X.D. Tan, and Jun Yang - University of
California, Riverside
SOC Test Methods
- A Flexible Design Methodology for
Analog Test Wrappers in Mixed-Signal SOCs
Anuja Sehgal, Sule Ozev,
and Krishnendu Chakrabarty - Duke University
- Concurrent Core Test for SOC Using
Merged Test Set and Scan Tree
Gang Zeng and Hideo Ito - Chiba University
- A Novel Test Compaction Technique for
Responses with Unknown Values Mango
C.-T. Chao, Seongmoon Wang, Srimat T. Chakradhar, and Kwang-Ting Cheng -
NEC Labs., America
- Accurate Diagnosis for Multiple
Defects Supporting Logic Reconfiguration
Yung-Chieh Lin, Feng Lu, Kwang-Ting Cheng - University of California,
Santa Barbara
- Quick Scan Chain Diagnosis Using
Signal Profiling
Jheng-Syun Yang and Shi-Yu Huang - National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
- Fast Hierarchical Process Variability
Analysis and Parametric Test Development for Analog/RF Circuits
Fang Liu, Sule Ozev - Duke University
3.1 Reliable Circuit Design
- Fault Tolerant Asynchronous Adder
through Dynamic Self-reconfiguration
Song Peng and Rajit Manohar - Cornell University
- Error-tolerance Memory
Microarchitecture via Dynamic Multithreading Redundancy
Lei Wang - University of Connecticut
- A Soft Error Monitor Using Switching
Current Detection
Patrick Ndai, Amit Agarwal, Qikai Chen and Kaushik Roy - Purdue
3.2 High Level Synthesis
- Applying Resource Sharing Algorithms
to ADL-driven Automatic ASIP Implementation
Ernst Martin Witte, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Oliver Schliebusch, David
Kammler, Gerd Ascheid, Rainer Leupers, Heinrich Meyr - RWTH-Aachen
- Statistical Analysis Driven Synthesis
of Asynchronous Systems
Koji Ohashi, Mineo Kaneko - Japan Advanced Institute of Science and
- Novel Low-Overhead Operand Isolation
Techniques for Low-Power Datapath Synthesis
Nilanjan Banerjee, Arijit Raychowdhury, Swarup Bhunia, Hamid Mahmoodi,
and Kaushik Roy - Purdue University
Verification of SOCs with Datapaths and Software
- Exploiting Vanishing Polynomials for
Equivalence Verification of Fixed-Size Arithmetic Datapaths
Namrata Shekhar, Priyank Kalla, Florian Enescu, Sivaram
Gopalakrishnan - University of Utah
- Incorporating Efficient Assertion
Checkers into Hardware Emulation and Simulation
Marc Boulé and Zeljko Zilic - McGill University
- Assertion Checking of Behavioral
Descriptions with Non-linear Solver
Inigo Ugarte and Pablo Sanchez - University of Cantabria
- File System Interfaces for Embedded
Software Development
Bhanu Pisupati, Geoffrey Brown - Indiana University
Reception and Keynote Presentation at the
Computer History Museum (Mountain View)
Yesterday and Tomorrow: A View on Progress in Computer Design
Professor Michael J. Flynn
- Stanford University
Some 50 years ago saw a series of rapid advances
in design automation technology setting the
stage for generations of reliable computers.
Over the intervening years progress in the field
continued to deal with the advancing complexity
of the technology. This success in design
automation was based on capturing or
encapsulating complex designs into components to
be managed in a larger design. On the other
hand, in the past, power was never seen as a
limitation yet this now looms as a major
Looking at the future, designer productivity and
design complexity remain a central limitation on
product development especially for specialized
system applications (SOC type). Power presents
a new challenge especially to the same emerging
system applications. We look at these issues
both in the context of the past and
possibilities for the future.
Michael J Flynn received his BS from Manhattan College, MS from
Syracuse University and PhD from Purdue University.
He began his engineering career in 1955 at IBM as a designer of mainframe
computers such as the 7090 and System 360 Model 91.
He became Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford in 1975
where he set up the Stanford Architecture and Arithmetic group.
He has authored or co-authored 5 books and over 250 professional
Prof. Flynn founded both of the specialist organization on
Computer Architecture: the IEEE Computer Society's Technical
Committee on Computer Architecture and the ACM's SIGARCH.
He is a fellow of IEEE and ACM and winner of the ACM/IEEE Eckert--Mauchly Award
and the IEEE Computer Society's Harry Goode Award.
October 4, 2005
4.1 Low Power Circuit Architecture
- Ripple-Precharge TCAM: A Low-Power
Solution for Network Search Engines
Deepak S Vijayasarathi, Mehrdad
Nourani, Mohammad J. Akhbarizadeh, Poras T. Balsara - University of Texas at
- Low- and Ultra Low-Power Arithmetic
Units: Design and Comparison
Milena Vratonjic, Bart R. Zeydel, Vojin G. Oklobdzija - University
of California, Davis
- A Skewed Repeater Bus Architecture
for On-Chip Energy Reduction in Microprocessors
Muhammad Khellah, Maged Ghoneima, James Tschanz, Yibin Ye, Nasser
Kurd, Javed Barkatullah, Srikanth Nimmagadda, Yehea Ismail, Vivek De -
Intel Corporation
- A Low-Power Design of a 90-nm
Processor Core: SH-X2
Tetsuya Yamada, Masahide Abe, Yusuke Nitta, Kenji Ogura, Manabu
Kusaoke, Makoto Ishikawa, Motokazu Ozawa, Kiwamu Takada, Fumio Arakawa,
Osamu Nishii, and Toshihiro Hattori - Hitachi Ltd.
4.2 Emerging Design Styles And
- Asynchronous IC Interconnect Network
Design and Implementation Using a Standard ASIC Flow
Bradley R. Quinton, Mark R. Greenstreet, Steven J.E. Wilton -
University of British Columbia
- Algorithmic and Architectural Design
Methodology for Particle Filters in Hardware
Aswin Sankaranarayanan,
Rama Chellappa and Ankur Srivastava - University of MD, Dept of ECE
- ALLCN: An Automatic Logic-to-Layout
Tool for Carbon Nanotube Based Nanotechnology
Wei Zhang, Niraj K. Jha - Princeton University
- Automatic Synthesis of Composable
Sequential Quantum Boolean Circuits
Li-Kai Chang; Fu-Chiung Cheng - Tatung University
4.3 Formal Verification - From
Hardware to Software
- Model Checking C Programs Using
Franjo Ivancic, Ilya Shlyakhter, Aarti Gupta, Malay Ganai, Vineet
Kahlon, Chao Wang, Zijiang Yang - NEC Labs America
- Dealing with I/O Devices in the
Context of Pervasive System Verification
Mark Hillebrand
- Towards the Formal Verification of
Lower System Layers in Automotive Systems
Sven Beyer, Peter Böhm,
Michael Gehrke, Mark Hillebrand, Thomas In der Rieden, Steffen Knapp,
Dirk Leinenbach, Wolfgang Paul
5.1 Cache Memory Architecture
- Restrictive Compression
Techniques to Increase Level 1 Cache Capacity
Prateek Pujara, Aneesh Aggarwal - Binghamton University
- The TM3270 Media-Processor Data
Jan-Willem van de Waerdt, Jean-Paul van Itegem,
Hans van Antwerpen - Philips
Semiconductors, San Jose, CA, USA and Stamatis Vassiliadis - TU Delft,
Computer Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands
- Mitigating Soft Error in Highly
Associative Cache with CAM-based Tag
Luong D. Hung, Masahiro Goshima, Shuichi Sakai - The University
of Tokyo
5.2 Gate Timing and Power Analysis
- VGTA: Variation_Aware Gate Timing
Soroush Abbaspour, Hanif Fatemi, Massoud Pedram - University of
Southern California
- Exact Lower Bound for the Number
of Switches in Series to Implement a Combinational Logic Cell
F.R.Schneider, R.P.Ribas, S.S.Sapatnekar and A.I.Reis - UFRGS Brazil
- Waveform Independent Gate Models
for Accurate Timing Analysis
Peng Li - Texas A&M University
- Enhanced Dual-Transition
Probabilistic Power Estimation with Selective Supergate Analysis
Fei Hu and Vishwani D. Agrawal - Auburn University
Performance Modeling
- Methods for Modeling Resource
Contention on Simultaneous Multithreading Processors
Tipp Moseley, Joshua L. Kihm, Daniel A. Connors, Dirk Grunwald -
University of Colorado
- Using scratchpad to exploit
object locality in Java
Carl S. Lebsack and J. Morris Chang - Iowa State University
- Correlation between Detailed and
Simplified Simulations in Studying Multiprocessor Architecture
Khaled Z. Ibrahim - Suez Canal University
- Simulating Java Commercial
Throughput Workload: A Case Study
Yue Luo, Lizy K. John - University of Texas at Austin
6.1 Low Voltage Design
- Minimum Energy Near-threshold Network
of PLA based Design
Nikhil Jayakumar Sunil P Khatri - Texas A&M University
- Robust Design of High Fan-in/out
Subthreshold Circuits
Jinhui Chen, Lawrence T. Clark, Yu(Kevin) Cao - Arizona State University
- A Thermally Aware Methodology for
Design-Specific Optimization of Supply and Threshold Voltages in
Nanometer Scale ICs
Sheng-Chih Lin, Navin Srivastava, Kaustav Banerjee - University of
California, Santa Barbara
- A Feasibility Study of Subthrehold
SRAM Across Technology Generations
Arijit Raychowdhury, Saibal Mukhopadhyay, Kaushik Roy - Purdue
6.2 Physical-Aware Circuit Design
- Variability-Driven Buffer
Insertion Considering Correlations
Azadeh Davoodi, Ankur Srivastava - University of Maryland
- A Dual Dielectric Approach for
Performance Aware Gate Tunneling Reduction in Combinational Circuits
Valmiki Mukherjee, Saraju P. Mohanty and Elias Kougianos -
University of North Texas
- Supply Voltage Degradation Aware
Andrew B. Kahng, Bao Liu and Qinke Wang - University of
California, San Diego
- Layout-Aware RF Circuit Synthesis
Driven by Worst Case Parasitic Corners
Anuradha Agarwal and
Ranga Vemuri - University of Cincinnati
6.3 Verification and Test for
Sequential Circuits and Delay Fault Models
- Extended Forward Implications and
Dual Recurrence Relations to Identify Sequentially Untestable Faults
Manan Syal, Rajat Arora, Michael S. Hsiao - Virginia Tech
- Case Study of ATPG-Based Bounded
Model Checking: Verifying USB 2.0 IP Core
Qiang Qiang, Chia-Lun
Chang, Daniel G. Saab and Jacob A. Abraham Case - Western Reserve
- Towards finding path delay fault
tests with high test efficiency using ZBDDs
M. K. Michael, K. Christou and S. Tragoudas - University of
- Quality Transition Fault Tests
Suitable for Small Delay Defects
M.M. Vaseekar Kumar, S.Tragoudas - Southern Illinois University,
- A Novel Method of Improving
Transition Delay Fault Coverage Using Multiple Scan Enable Signals
N. Devtaprasanna, A. Gunda, P. Krishnamurthy and S. M. Reddy -
University of Iowa
- A Flexible Logic BIST Scheme for
Multiple-Clock Circuits
Laung-Terng (L.-T.) Wang, Xiaoqing Wen, Po-Ching Hsu, Shianling
Wu, Jonhson Guo Kyushu, I. Pomeranz - Institute of Technology
- Hardware Efficient LBIST With
Complementary Weights
Liyang Lai, Janak H. Patel, Thomas Rinderknecht, Wu-Tung Cheng -
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
New Memory Technologies (Invited)
Rick Bailey, Ramtron International Corporation
- Thermal MRAM
Dr. James G. Deak, NVE Corporation
- Future Directions of Non-Volatile Memory technologies
Mr. Albert Fazio, Intel Corporation
Banquet (Doubletree Hotel)
Panel Discussion: Chip Multiprocessing
Moderator: Greg Byrd - North Carolina State University
Pradeep Dubey - Intel
Jan Gray - Microsoft
Rick Hetherington - Sun
Charlie Johnson - IBM
Chuck Moore - AMD
Kunle Olukutun - Stanford University
October 5, 2005
8.1 High Performance Designs
- A High Performance Reconfigurable
and Sub-Pipelined Architecture for AES
Hua Li and Jianzhou Li - University of Lethbridge
- Distortionless Electrical
Signaling for Speed-of-Light On-Chip Communications
Hongyu Chen and Chung-Kuan Cheng - University of California, San
- Partial-Parallel LDPC Decoder
Based on High-Efficiency Message-Passing Algorithm
Kazunori Shimizu, Tatsuyuki Ishikawa, Nozomu Togawa, Takeshi
Ikenaga, Satoshi Goto - Waseda University
- Fast Minimum and Maximum
Anatoly I. Grushin - Intel Corporation
8.2 Future VLSI Technologies and
Their Impact
- Three-Dimensional Cache Design
Exploration Using 3DCacti
Yuh-Fang Tsai, Yuan Xie, Vijaykrishnan N.,and Mary J. Irwin -
Penn State University
- Implementing Caches in a 3D
Technology for High Performance Processors
Kiran Puttaswamy, Georgia Tech Gabriel H. Loh, - Georgia
Institute of Technology
- Architectural-Level Fault
Tolerant Computation in Nanoelectronic Processors
Wenjing Rao,
Alex Orailoglu, Ramesh Karri - University of California, San Diego
8.3 Architecture for Verifiability
- Formal Verification and its
Impact on the Snooping versus Directory Protocol
Milo M. K. Martin -
Department of Computer and Information
of Pennsylvania
- Deployment of Better Than
Worst-Case Design: Solutions and Needs
Todd Austin, Valeria Bertacco - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
9.1 Low Power
Circuit Architecture (II)
- Benefits and Costs of
Power-Gating Technique
Hailin Jiang, Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska, Sani R. Nassif -
University of California,
Santa Barbara
- A Dual-Vt Layout Approach for
Statistical Leakage Variability Minimization in Nanometer CMOS
Maryam Ashouei, Abhijit Chatterjee, Adit. D. Singh, and Vivek De
- Georgia Inst. of Technology
- A Low-Overhead Virtual Rail
Technique for SRAM Leakage Power Reduction
J.B. Kuang, H.C. Ngo, K.J. Nowka, J.C. Law, R.V. Joshi - IBM
9.2 RF Wireless Technologies (Invited)
- Tutorial on RF Technologies
Dominik Schmidt, Intel Corporation
9.3 Formal Verification Methods
- State Set Management for
SAT-based Unbounded Model Checking
Kameshwar Chandrasekar and Michael S. Hsiao - Virginia Tech
- Reconsidering CEGAR: Learning
Good Abstractions without Refinement
Anubhav Gupta, Edmund Clarke - Carnegie Mellon University
- Formal Verification of Parametric
Multiplicative Division Implementations
Nikhil Kikkeri and Peter-Michael Seidel - Southern Methodist
- Challenges in the Formal
Verification of Complete State-of-the-Art Processors
Ayewah, Sven Beyer, Nikhil Kikkeri and Peter-Michael Seidel -
Southern Methodist University
Power and Thermal Considerations
in Processor Design (II)
- ReCast: Boosting Tag Line Buffer
Coverage in Low Power High-Level Caches for Free
Won-Ho Park, Andreas Moshovos, Babak Falsafi - University of
- Load-Store Queue Management: an
Energy Efficient Design based on a State Filtering Mechanism
F. Castro, D. Chaver, L. Pinuel, M. Prieto, M. C. Huang, F.
Tirado - Complutense University of Madrid
- Optimizing the Thermal Behavior
of Subarrayed Data Caches
Johnsy K. John, Jie S. Hu, and Sotirios G. Ziavras - New Jersey
Institute of Technology
- VALVE: Variable Length Value
Encoding for Off-Chip Data Buses
Dinesh C Suresh, Banit Agrawal,
Walid A Najjar, Jun Yang - University of California, Riverside
- Monitoring Temperature in FPGA
based SoCs
Siva Velusamy, John Lach, Kevin Skadron - University of Virginia
Instruction Issue, Scheduling and Prediction
- Reducing the Energy of
Speculative Instruction Schedulers
Yongxiang Liu, Gokhan Memik, and Glenn Reinman - University of
Los Angeles
- A New Pointer-based Instruction
Queue Design and Its Power-Performance Evaluation
Marco A. Ramírez, Adrian Cristal, Alexander V. Veidenbaum, Luis
Villa, Mateo Valero - UPC-DAC
- Power-Efficient Wakeup Tag
Joseph Sharkey, Dmitry Ponomarev, Kanad Ghose, Oguz Ergin -
State University of New York at Binghamton
- Symbiotic Subordinate Threading
Rania Mameesh, Manoj Franklin - University of Maryland
- Memory Bank Predictors
Stefan Bieschewski, Joan-Manuel Parcerisa, Antonio Gonzalez -
Circuit Consideration in
Processor Design
- H-SIMD Machine: Configurable
Parallel Computing for Matrix Multiplication
Xizhen Xu, Sotirios Ziavras - New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Temperature-Sensitive Loop
Parallelization for Chip Multiprocessors
Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan, Guilin Chen, Mahmut Kandemir - Penn
State University
- Broadband Impedance Matching for
Inductive Interconnect in VLSI Packages
Brock J. LaMeres, Sunil P. Khatri -Texas A&M University
- Temperature-Aware Voltage Islands
Architecting in System-on-Chip Design
W.-L. Hung, G. Link, Y. Xie, N. Vijaykrishnan, N. Dhanwada and J.
Conner - Microsystems Design Laboratory
Logic Optimization
- Temporal Decomposition for Logic
Nathan Kitchen and Andreas Kuehlmann - University of California,
- Attacking Control Overhead to
Improve Synthesized Asynchronous Circuit Performance
Luis A. Plana, Sam Taylor and Doug Edwards - University of
- An Improved Approach for
Alternative Wires Identification
Yung-Chih Chen and Chun-Yao Wang - Tsing Hua University