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"From Application to Architecture to Implementation"
The ICCD 2006 Organizing Committee thanks
the participants and the Program Committees
Special Session on Nanotechnology - ( I )
Special Session on Nanotechnology - ( II )
Special Session on Interconnect
Special Session on Hardware Equivalence
The International Conference of Computer Design (ICCD) was founded along with the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD) in 1982 to address critical needs in the design of large-scale integrated systems. ICCAD was founded to focus on the algorithmic core of CAD, whereas ICCD was oriented to design and CAD applications. ICCD is the premiere conference covering the research, design, and implementation of computer systems and their components. ICCD's multidisciplinary emphasis provides an ideal environment for developers and researchers to discuss practical and theoretical work. Papers are presented in five conference tracks which focus on design and CAD applications: Computer Systems Design and Architecture Multidisciplinary special sessions have become the hallmark of ICCD, highlighting key research concepts or large design projects. The International Conference on Computer Design encompasses a wide range of topics in the research, design, and implementation of computer systems and their components. ICCD's multi-disciplinary emphasis provides an ideal environment for developers and researchers to discuss practical and theoretical work covering system and computer architecture, verification and test, design and technology, and tools and methodologies. "From Application to Architecture to Implementation" Submitted papers consistent with this theme are encouraged. Authors are invited to submit technical papers in accordance to the author's instructions describing original work in one of the following areas: Computer Systems Design and Applications Modeling and performance analysis Support for operating systems and languages Memory hierarchy System design methods for uni- and parallel-processors Processor Architecture Instruction level parallelism Pipelining, caching, branch prediction, and multithreading, computer arithmetic Techniques for low-power; secure, and reliable processor designs Embedded network, system-on-chip, and application specific processor design Real-life design challenges: case studies, tradeoffs and post-mortems Logic and Circuit Design Circuits and design techniques for high performance and low power Circuits and design techniques for robustness under process variability and radiation Design techniques for emerging process technologies Asynchronous circuits Signal processing and arithmetic circuits Tools and Methodologies High-level, logic and physical synthesis Physical planning, design and early estimation for large circuits Automatic analysis and optimization of timing, power and noise Tools for multiple-clock domains, asynchronous and mixed-timing methodologies CAD support for FPGAs, ASSPs, structured ASICs, platform-based design and networks-on-chip Hardware description languages Tools, methodologies and design strategies for emerging technologies (MEMs, spintronics, nano, quantum) Verification and Test Simulation based and formal techniques for functional design verification Equivalency checking, property checking, theorem proving High-level design validation Design error debug and diagnosis Hardware/Software validation Fault modeling Fault simulation and ATPG DFT and BIST SoC testing Papers describing novel methods and concepts or innovative features of new products, and focusing on the overall integration of these areas into the computer design process are of particular interest to ICCD. Papers may be accepted as either regular papers or as short papers. All papers will be presented during parallel technical sessions, and will be included in a published proceedings. At least one author of the paper must register for and attend the conference. Proposals for embedded tutorials and panel discussions are
also solicited, and should be sent to: The content and material posted on this web page represent solely the views and opinions of the ICCD conference. |