ICCD 2010, October 2010,


Paper Formatting Instructions

Please format your paper in the IEEE Transactions style using the files provided below. Use these files and not other (older) versions that can be found on Internet. Please make sure the page numbers are removed. The papers must be 6 (six) pages or less. Up to two additional pages can be purchased (80 euro per page - approx $100/page). The excess page charges need to be paid during the registration process.

Microsoft Word Template

If you are using Microsoft Word, you can use this Template.

Latex Templates

If you are using latex, you can use this template, available as a zip , or as a tar gzip archive.

NOTE: The articles will be subject to double blind (anonymous) review process. For this purpose only the article title should appear on the manuscript. Every effort should be made by authors to see that the manuscript itself contains no clues to their identities.

Electronic Submission

The paper submission will be conducted using the EasyChair conference manager. Papers should be submitted in PDF format. Please go to the EasyChair conference manager submission site for your submission. (link to be posted once the submission will be open)

Paper acknowledgments will be sent to all authors.

IEEE Copyright Form

All authors must submit the copyright of their papers to IEEE in order to have their papers included in the ICCD program. All clearances for publication must be obtained by the authors. For ICCD 2010 the authors will have to use the electronic IEEE Copyright Form (eCF).
Instructions on how to use the eCF will be provided shortly.

Speaker Presentation Guide

The conference includes both long presentations (30 minutes - 25 min. presentation + 5 min. QA) and short presentations (15 minutes - 12 min. presentation + 3 min. QA).

The conference sessions within each track will be either 90 or 120 minutes. Special sessions and invited papers may have a different duration. Your presentation should be given from your own laptop computer. A video projector will be provided in each session room. Laser pointers will be available at the podium. Please note that ICCD does not support using transparencies or 35mm slides.

Guidelines for preparing your presentation charts

    • Use large, bold fonts as much as possible
    • Use fonts that display well at low resolution. Sans serif fonts such as "Helvetica" work better than ones with detailed features such as "Times"
    • Avoid using busy foils; incorporate one idea per slide and use less text and more pictures
    • Avoid using the bottom of slides since the rooms are flat
    • Use simple and contrasting colors. Avoid using red over blue or vice versa
    • Pay attention to contrast, employ light-on-dark, or dark-on-light in all text and diagrams

While attending the conference, there will be a room available to check your presentation. Each session is moderated by a session chair, who can also assist with any questions. Please prepare a brief (two or three sentence) biography for your session chair to introduce you.

The content and material posted on this web page represent solely the views and opinions of the ICCD conference.